7 Bible Stories That Will Radically Change How You Approach Forgiveness

Forgiveness. It’s one of those things that’s easier said than done…

But when it comes to relationships, peace of mind, and just being a decent human being, forgiveness is huge

And guess what? The Bible is packed with stories that show us just how powerful it can be…

So, whether you’re holding onto a grudge or struggling to let go of past hurts, these 7 Bible stories will help you rethink how you approach forgiveness…

1. Joseph and His Brothers (Genesis 45:1-15)

Let’s kick things off with one of the most famous stories of forgiveness. Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery because they were jealous.

Fast forward to when Joseph is second in command in Egypt, and his brothers are begging him for food during a famine. What does Joseph do? He forgives them.

Not only does he forgive, but he also helps them out in a big way. Imagine forgiving someone who wronged you like that. Joseph’s story reminds us that forgiveness can be a bridge to reconciliation and even greater blessings.

2. The Forgiving King and the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35)

Here’s a parable that packs a punch. Jesus tells the story of a king who forgives a massive debt owed by one of his servants. We’re talking billions of dollars in today’s money.

The servant, however, turns around and refuses to forgive a tiny debt owed to him by a fellow servant. The king finds out and is not happy.

This story is a gut-check about how we need to forgive others, especially when we’ve been forgiven ourselves. It’s about letting go of that grudge, no matter how “small” or “big” the offense.

3. David and Saul (1 Samuel 24)

David had every reason to hate King Saul. Saul was literally trying to kill him. But when David had the chance to take revenge, he didn’t.

Instead, he spared Saul’s life and showed him mercy. This story is a reminder that forgiveness doesn’t always come from a place of weakness.

It can be an act of incredible strength. David’s story challenges us to consider what it means to forgive someone who may not even deserve it.

4. The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8:1-11)

This one’s a bit different because it’s more about the forgiveness that Jesus offers. A woman caught in adultery is brought before Jesus.

The crowd is ready to stone her, but Jesus famously says, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Spoiler alert: No one throws a stone. Jesus then tells the woman to go and sin no more.

This story shows us that forgiveness can be a fresh start, not just for the person being forgiven, but for the forgiver as well. It’s about dropping the stones we’re holding onto.

5. Philemon and Onesimus (Philemon 1:1-25)

This one’s a little more under-the-radar, but it’s so powerful. Philemon was a Christian slave owner, and Onesimus was his runaway slave who ended up meeting Paul.

Paul convinced Onesimus to return to Philemon and asked Philemon to receive Onesimus not just as a slave, but as a brother in Christ.

Forgiving someone who wronged you is hard enough, but to elevate that person to a new level of respect? That’s next-level forgiveness.

6. Stephen’s Last Words (Acts 7:54-60)

Stephen, the first Christian martyr, shows us the ultimate act of forgiveness. As he’s being stoned to death, his last words are a prayer asking God to forgive the people killing him. Imagine that!

Stephen’s story is a radical reminder that forgiveness can be a way to find peace even in the most extreme circumstances.

It challenges us to think about the power of forgiveness, even when it seems impossible.

7. Jacob and Esau (Genesis 33:1-17)

Jacob wronged Esau big time. He stole his brother’s blessing and ran away. Years later, when they meet again, Jacob expects the worst.

But instead of revenge, Esau runs to meet Jacob and embraces him. No grudges, no hard feelings—just pure forgiveness.

This story is a beautiful picture of how forgiveness can restore broken relationships, sometimes in ways we never expected.

Wrapping It Up

Forgiveness isn’t easy, but these stories show us it’s worth it. Whether it’s letting go of a grudge, extending mercy, or finding peace, forgiveness can radically change your life.

So, the next time you’re faced with the choice to forgive, remember these stories. They just might inspire you to take that leap and embrace the power of forgiveness.